Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Environmental Issues in the Pacific Islands Case Study

Environmental Issues in the Pacific Islands - Case Study Example References will be made to other regions that have formulated and implemented successful environmental programs to serve as guidance in deducing viable environmental projects or programs for the country. The Philippines now comprises of about 80 million people and the majority is found to be dwelling in urban areas. Among other Asian countries, the Philippines ranks as having one of the highest urbanized areas. The rapid increase in the population rate in general and in the urbanization rate in particular, has thus contributed much not only to resource depletion but also to the significant decrease in air and water quality levels. One of the direct results of this is the increase in the levels of waste generation. According to a World Bank study on Waste Generation (World Bank, 2001), the average Filipino generates around 0.3 to 0.7 kilograms of garbage daily depending on income levels. The highest waste-producing area is the National Capital Region, which accounts to 23% of the country's production, or 1/4 of the country's generation waste as a whole. In a similar study in 2004, the World Bank found that around 2.2 million metric tons of organic pollution have been produced annually by domestic (48 percent), agricultural (37 percent), and industrial (15 percent) sectors. Out of the identified regions with critical water levels, domestic and industrial sources were determined to be the major water pollutants. Inadequate wastewater treatment has affected the health of the people, with the water having found to contain significant presence of disease-causing bacteria and viruses, making it unsuitable for drinking and even bathing. On a more macro level, this poor water quality threatens biodiversity, and deteriorates the quality of life. Diseases such as gastro-enteritis, diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, and more recently, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have all been attributed to poor water quality. As such, the water-related death rates and health outbreaks have been reported to increase over the years. Despite all of these, however, awareness of the urgent need to improve overall sanitation and implement more effective water pollution control have remained very low, as reflected by the low prioritization given to sanitation and sewerage investments. As it is, only a small portion of the country's population has access to sewer systems and decent sanitation facilities (World Bank, 2004). The enactment and implementation of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 which has led to the gradual phase out of leaded gasoline, has contributed much to the significant drop in the ambient lead levels. Despite this, however, other air pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxides and total oxidants remain in levels that exceed the standards and therefore are still considered a major concern. Industrialization and the growing population are seen to be the major contributors to this persistent problem. These air pollutants come from small and medium industries that use fossil fuels, with a high share of coal, as the main sources of industrial energy. Among these major air-polluting industries are those engaged in the use of iron, steel, fertilizer, and cement. In addition, the increase in urbanization has encouraged the establishment of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Suicide Bombing Essay Example for Free

Suicide Bombing Essay Suicide terrorism is not mainly the product of Islamic fundamentalism or any other evil ideology independent of circumstance. The world leader in suicide terrorism is the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka theyre a Marxist group, a secular group, a Hindu group. The Tamil Tigers have committed more suicide terrorist attacks than Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Instead, what more than 95 percent of all suicide terrorist attacks since 1980 have in common are not religion, but a specific secular goal: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory the terrorists view as their homeland. From Lebanon to Chechnya to Kashmir to Sri Lanka to the West Bank, every suicide terrorist campaign since 1980 has had as its main objective to compel a democratic state to withdraw combat forces from territory that the terrorists prize. Mostly are organizational motivated and fanaticism and religiously motivation are two different angles of same picture. Religious rhetoric may help persuade attackers that their cause is either necessary or noble, and that glorifies or renames suicide as martyrdom, but it does not explain why suicide attackers choose that particular tactic. These can be explained by considering some other factors like individual, organizational, environmental and trauma-based motivations. Suicide Bombing is an act of violence that kills the attacker himself in addition to bystanders, but that also represents a tactic of terrorist organizations. The bomber perceives in his mind that by dehumanizing others he will be getting extra rewards like the extremists and fanatics of religious segments think; by giving their life they would be free to enter the heaven. Some other reasons which psychologically influence the mind of a terrorists are personal motivation, organizational, environmental, trauma- based motivations. Organizations provide the means, methods and group self-motivated fundamental suicide terrorism operations and often the ideology as well. They arise from a complex mix of social and political circumstances, psychological and religious context and interplay between the actions, sentiments and rhetoric of terror groups, their constituency and the perceived oppressor/enemy. When looking at the motivations on the organizational level we must acknowledge that terror-sponsoring organizations are largely political in their motivations and resort to terrorism when other political solutions have failed and to suicide terrorism when a specific set of circumstances exist. When one considers the suicide terror groups uses of religion to motivate individuals to sign up to die, it makes strategic sense. Any believer of any faith who is persuaded of the will act in extraordinary ways. Its history depicts that in south India, in the late 11th century, the local Kulasekhara kingdom had special suicidal squads to fight against their mighty neighbors, the Cholas. These Nair warriors were specially trained in so called Kalaris. These Nair race later transformed as the rulers of the region, and in war festivlas like Mamankam, they were still in use aganist the Zamorin rulers of Calicut. In the late 17th century, Qing official Yu Yonghe recorded that injured Dutch soldiers fighting against Koxingas forces for control of Taiwan in 1661 would use gunpowder to blow up both themselves and their opponents rather than be taken prisoner. However, the Chinese observer may have confused such suicidal tactics with the standard Dutch military practice of undermining and blowing up positions recently overrun by the enemy which almost cost Koxinga his life during the siege. During the Belgian Revolution, Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent its capture by the Belgians. Another example was the Prussian soldier Karl Klinke on 18 April 1864 at the Battle of Dybbol, who died blowing a hole in a Danish fortification. In the 18th century John Paul Jones wrote about Ottoman sailors setting their own ships on fire and ramming the ships of their enemies, although they knew this meant certain death for them. Modern suicide bombing as a political tool can be traced back to the assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia in 1881. Alexander fell victim to a Nihilist plot. While driving on one of the central streets ofSaint Petersburg, near the Winter Palace, he was mortally wounded by the explosion of hand-made grenades and died a few hours afterwards. The Tsar was killed by a member of Narodnaya Volya,Ignacy Hryniewiecki, who died while intentionally exploding the bomb during the attack. Rudolf Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff intended to assassinate Adolf Hitler by suicide bomb in 1943, but was unable to complete the attack. During the Battle for Berlin the Luftwaffe flew Selbstopfereinsatz against Soviet bridges over the Oderriver. These missions were flown by pilots of the Leonidas Squadron under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Heiner Lange. From 17 April until 20 April 1945, using any aircraft that were available, the Luftwaffe claimed that the squadron destroyed 17 bridges; however the military historian Antony Beevor when writing about the incident thinks that this was exaggerated and that only the railway bridge at Kustrin was definitely destroyed. He comments that thirty-five pilots and aircraft was a high price to pay for such a limited and temporary success. The missions were called off when the Soviet ground forces reached the vicinity of the squadrons airbase at Juterbog. Following World War II, Viet Minh death volunteers fought against the French Colonial Forces by using a long stick-like explosive to destroy French tanks. It has suddenly taken off like a wildfire spreading from Lebanon to Palestine, Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Morocco, Indonesia, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Iraq and now sadly even originating in Europe and European bred bombers now even targeting Europe itself. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) carries out its first suicide bombing at the Nelliady army camp killing 40 security force (SF) personnel. May 21st 1911 Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and 18 persons are killed by a female suicide bomber in the town of Sriperumbudur, approximately 30 miles from Chennai, capital of the southern State of Tamil Nadu. This was the history of suicide bombing which shows that none of them were moved cause of Islam. The terrorist assumes he is in a extraterrestrial battle, involving apocalyptic forces which will wipe out either his side or the other, hence challenging a war of defense; He should dehumanize and his enemies by seeing them as the enemies of God; In joining the group and taking on its values and teachings, he has learned the mind of God is authorized to act in the battle by the will of God; The battle in which he is fighting is for sacred values and he must go to extraordinary means to eradicate and spot out those he sees as evildoers even innocent civilians who he believes are standing in the way of and offending God’s will. It may be noteworthy that suicide bombers mostly are rather young males between the ages of 18 and 27. This fact is momentous for a number of reasons. First, it is the age when testosterone soars. Studies significantly linked testosterone production to dominance orientation in males. When the desire to dominate is satisfied, high testosterone is not related to a rise in aggressiveness, however when such desire is frustrated it results in increased probability of aggressive response against oneself or others. The first motivational set is a trauma based and occurs within zones of active conflict. It is often: nationalistic; viewed in terms of self and community defense; expressive regarding meting out justice to the perceived enemy occupier; and includes acts of revenge. The individuals motivated within this set have witnessed firsthand and over the television their neighbors, family members and loved ones killed by what they view as an occupying force. Many have grown up witnessing countless acts of violence and as a result have not developed normally and often suffer from posttraumatic stress and dissociative disorders. Many have lost jobs, educational opportunities, been humiliated, and often struggle for basic daily needs and security. While the majority of traumatized individuals in conflict zones will not become suicide bombers even if invited to do so, an extremely small group will become vulnerable to terrorist ideologies that promote this tactic. Whereas suicide terrorism is planned and executed by individuals who are members of organizations, groups, or cells, these two levels are in turn influenced by broader environmental conditions that include the political, social, historical, cultural, economic, and religious context. Clearly, some of these sub-elements of the broader environment are more relevant in some cases than in others. Robert Pape, a political science professor at the University of Chicago and a renowned expert on suicide terrorism, argues in his new book Dying To Win that although Islamic fundamentalism seems to be the obvious central cause for suicide terrorism, at least half of the suicide terrorist attacks during the period 1980-2003 were not associated with Muslim fundamentalists. The belief for the strong link between Islamic fundamentalism and suicide terrorism, Pape says, has fueled the belief that to avoid future attacks like those of 11 September 2001, there is an urgent need for a radical transformation of Muslim societies. However, this presumed connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism is misleading and maybe encouraging domestic and foreign policies that are likely to worsen Americas situation. Between 1980 and the end of 2003 there were 315 suicide terrorist acts. The overall leader is the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, a secular group fighting to establish an independent state. According to some accounts, the Tamil Tigers have carried out at least five times more suicide attacks than other similar organizations put together. Tamil Tigers are said to be behind a very notorious suicide terrorist attack , the assassination of former Indian Prime Minster Rajiv Gandhi by a female bomber during an election rally in 1991. Cultural or religious worldviews enable people to feel that they are part of something larger, more meaningful, and, ultimately, longer lasting than themselves. Suicide bombing offers not only an identity, but also a place in community history life is exchanged for identity. Self-sacrificial behavior is present in many cultures, and is not exclusively linked with Islam. It is an assertion that you will survive as an identity even if you cannot survive in physical form. Individuals can attain symbolic immortality deciding to die for their country. But if offered other ways of achieving symbolic life, they may be encouraged to leave a legacy in a pro-social way, rather than through violence. Pro-social methods of extending identity beyond death include raising children, starting a company and the preservation of peaceful cultural or religious practices. Apart from one demographic attribute – that the majority of suicide bombers tend to be young males – the evidence has failed to find a stable set of demographic, psychological, socioeconomic and religious variables that can be causally linked to suicide bombers’ personality or socioeconomic origins. With the exception of a few cases, their life stories show no apparent connection between violent militant activity and personality disorders. Typically, most suicide bombers are psychologically normal and are deeply integrated into social networks and emotionally attached to their national communities. Randomly attached labels such as â€Å"mad† denote one’s inability to fathom the deeper reasons but don’t advance our understanding of the causes of the phenomenon of suicide bombing. Rather, they impede us from discovering its real nature, purpose and causes. The meaning and nature of suicide in a suicide bombing are strikingly different from ordinary suicide. Suicide bombing falls into the category of altruistic suicidal actions that involve valuing one’s life as less worthy than that of the group’s honor, religion, or some other collective interest. Religiously and nationalistically coded attitudes owards acceptance of death, stemming from long periods of collective suffering, humiliation and powerlessness enable political organizations to offer suicide bombings as an outlet for their people’s feelings of desperation, deprivation, hostility and injustice. Suicide is a major sin in Islam The Quran does tell Muslims, Do not kill yourselves and warns that those who disobey will be cast into the fire. The Prophet Mohammed is reported to have said that a suicide cannot go to paradise. If people do good to you, do good to them; and if they mistreat you, still refrain from being unjust. Another story tells of Mohammed ordering his soldiers not to mistreat women and children, even during a battle. Both the Quran and hadiths offer examples of respect given to Christians and Jews – both considered along with Muslims as people of the Book. But bin Laden and some other terrorists say the less militant parts of Muslim teachings simply dont apply to their war with the West. This belief can be traced to a few well-known figures of relatively recent Muslim history. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab was a contemporary of George Washington. His supporters say he was a religious reformer who cleaned up a corrupted version of Islam practiced in his part of Arabia. Opponents call him a political opportunist who used religion as a weapon. In either case, he declared that Islam had been corrupted a generation or so after the death of Mohammed, and he condemned any theology, customs or practices developed after that. Islamic laws oppose the practice. This religious prohibition has had the intended effect. According to Franz Rosenthal a scholar of the subject suicide was of comparatively rare occurrence in traditional Muslim society. The most extreme ways that people can invest in their world view is to sacrifice their own life for it. Physical risks help to secure their own immortality this is self sacrifice as self-defense. Harming innocent bystanders, even in times of war, was forbidden by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This includes women, children, noncombatant bystanders, and even trees and crops. Nothing is to be harmed unless the person or thing is actively engaged in an assault against Muslims. The predominant theme in the Quran is forgiveness and peace. Allah (God) is Merciful and Forgiving, and seeks that in His followers. Indeed, most people who spend time on a personal level with ordinary Muslims have found them to be peaceful, honest, hard-working, civic-minded people. In the fight against terrorism of all forms, it is important to understand who or what is our enemy. We can only fight against this horror if we understand its causes and motivations. The entire Quran, taken as a complete text, gives a message of hope, faith, and peace to a faith community of one billion people. The overwhelming message is that peace is to be found through faith in God, and justice among fellow human beings. At the time the Quran was revealed, there was no United Nations or Amnesty International to keep the peace or expose injustice. Inter-tribal violence and vengeance was commonplace. As a matter of survival, one must have been willing to defend against aggression from all sides. Nevertheless, the Quran repeatedly urges forgiveness and restraint, and warns believers not to transgress or become oppressors. If anyone slays a person- unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he slew all people. And if anyone saves a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all people. Quran 5:32Invite all to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching. And argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious And if you punish,let your punishment be proportional to the wrong that has been done to you. But if you show patience, that is indeed the best course. Be patient, for your patience is from God. And do not grieve over them, or distress yourself because of their plots. For God is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good. Quran 16:125-128 The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree) but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from God, for God loves not those who do wrong. But indeed, if any do help and defend themselves after a wrong done to them, against such there is no cause of blame. The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrongdoing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice. For such there will be a penalty grievous (in the Hereafter). But indeed, if any show patience and forgive, that would truly be an affair of great resolution. Quran 42:40-43. Goodness and evil are not equal. Repel evil with what is better. Then that person, with whom there was hatred, may become your intimate friend! And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, none but people of the greatest good fortune. Quran 41:34-35 The key motivator for a violent actor who seeks to die like a martyr is a strong attachment to a community, usually a religious community. There are dozens of reasons for killing, but violent martyrdom is first and foremost about belonging. Strong emotional ties and strong feelings of mutual obligation often hold religious societies together. They act out of personal despair, rage, hatred, belief in paradise or having been brainwashed. We also assume that their actions are completely irrational and destructive. What we need to look at, in order to correct these misconceptions, is the martyrs discourse and the rituals that surround religiously sanctioned suicide terror. References,8599,1934101,00.html

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Elasticity of Demand for Lottery Tickets Essay -- Economics Economy Fi

Elasticity of Demand for Lottery Tickets Elasticity is the responsiveness of demand or supply to the changes in prices or income. There are various formulas and guidelines to follow when trying to calculate these responses. For instance, when the percentage of change of the quantity demanded is greater then the percentage change in price, the demand is known to be price elastic. On the other hand, if the percentage change in demand is less than then the percentage change in price; Like that of demand, supply works in a similar way. When the percentage change of quantity supplied is greater than the percentage change in price, supply is know to be elastic. When the percentage change of quantity supplied is less then the percentage change in price, then the supply then demand is known to be price inelastic. The following text is real world examples of these economic principles. They have been provided to build a bridge between current economic situations and economic principles of elasticity. The Demand for Lotto: The Role of Conscious Selection In this article is a discussion about the elasticity of demand for lottery tickets. Time series data was used in a way in which the expected value of the lottery ticket would vary due to rollovers (Farrel 1). It was found that there are far more rollovers than expected given the lottery design (Farrel 1). There was also some strong evidence found that supported that individuals did not pick their numbers in a uniform matter. The inverse supply function was found by using estimates that enabled them to identify the demand elasticity (Farrel 1). This analysis was based on the U.K. National Lottery that came about November 1994. With this in mind we realize that because game designs are similar throughout the world, these findings are more widely relevant (Farrel 1). The price elasticity of demand for lottery tickets shows that demand varies depending on the expected return from a winning ticket (Farrel 1). From this we deduce that this elasticity is relevant to the design of the lottery (Farrel 1). The way that the demand elasticity is derived is by comparing the rollover weeks with the non-rollover weeks. By doing this, the normal demand is recorded during the non-rollover weeks to see what level the demand is usually at. Then from there they can see how the demand increases as the lott... how some studies and economic research has been taking place and where. I found some of the studies to be trivial. This meaning that the authors used creative techniques to figure and estimate some of the elasticities. I also found it interesting how I could relate to the real life situations such as the Lottery. For example, when the lottery starts rolling over it creates a hype, and the demand goes up. I was always aware of this phenomenon but never realized what it actually was. Bibliography: Work Cited Farrell, Lisa; Hartley, Roger; Lanot, Gauthier; Walker, Ian The Demand for Lotto: The Role of Conscious Selection, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Apr2000, Vol. 18 Issue 2. Mason, Paul M.; Steagall, Jeffrey W., The elasticity of demand for lotto tickets and the corresponding welfare effects., Public Finance Review, Sep97, Vol. 25, Issue 5. Rashid, Muhammad; Mitra, Devashis, Price Elasticity of Demand and an Optimal Cash Discount Rate in Credit Policy, Financial Review, Aug99, Vol. 34 Issue. Montgomery, Alan L.; Rossi, Peter E., Estimating Price Elasticities with Theory-Based Priors, Journal of Marketing Research, Nov99, Vol. 36 Issue 4.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mktg 301

7) Data from a small bookstore are shown in the accompanying table. The manager wants to predict Sales from Number of Sales People Working. Number of sales people working| Sales (in $1000)| 4| 12| 5| 13| 8| 15| 10| 16| 12| 20| 12| 22| 14| 22| 16| 25| 18| 25| 20| 28| x=11. 9| y=19. 8| SD(x)=5. 30| SD(y)=5. 53| a) Find the slope estimate, b1. Use technology or the formula below to find the slope. b1=rsysx Enter x,y Data in TI-84 under STAT > STAT > CALC > 8: LinReg(a+bx) b1=1. 023 b) What does b1 mean, in this context?The slope tells how the response variable hanges for a one unit step in the predictor Thus, an additional; $1,023 of sales associated with each additional sales person working. c) Find the intercept, b0. b0=y-b1x =19. 8-1. 023(11. 9) For this problem, use technology, rounding to three decimal places. b0=7. 622 d) What does b0 mean in this contet? Is it meanful? The intercept serves as a starting value for the predicitons. It shuld only be interpreted if a 0 value for the predictor variable makes sense for the context of the situation. On average, $7,622 is expected when 0 sales people are working.It is not meaningful because it does not make sense in this context. e) Write the equation that predicts Sales from Number of Sales People Working. Recall that the slope of the equation b1=1. 023 and the intercept is b0=7. 622 Complete the equation. Sales=7. 622+1. 023 *(Number of Sales People Working) f) If 19 people are working, what sales do you predict? Substitute 19 for the number of sales people working in the equation found in the previous step and solve for Sales. Sales=7. 622+1. 023 *(Number of Sales People Working) =7. 622+1. 023*19Substitute. =27. 059Simplify. *Note that each unit of Sales represents $1000. Thus, the predicted sales for 19 people working is 27,059 dollars. g) If sales are actually $26,000, what is the value of the residual? Subtract the predicated value found in the previous step from the actual value. 26,000-27,059=-1059 Thus, t he value of the residual is -1059 dollars. h) Have the sale been overestimated or underestimated The predicted sales are $27,059 and the actual sales are $26,000. Since $27,059 > $26,000, the sales were overestimated. 13) Of the 46 individuals who responded, 25 are concerned, and 21 are not concerned. of those concerned about security are male and 5 of those not concerned are male. If a respondent is selected at random, find each of the fallowing conditional probabilities. | Male| Female| Total| Concerned| 9| 16| 25| Not Concerned| 5| 16| 21| Total| 14| 32| 46| a) The respondent is male, given that the respondent is not concerned about security. P(Male|Not Concerned) = 521 = 0. 238 b) The respondent is not concerned about security, given that is female P(Not Concered|Female) = 1632 = 0. 500 c) The respondent is female, given that the respondent is concerned about security. P(Female|Concerned) = 1625 = 0. 40 14) It was found that 76% of the population were infected with a virus, 21% were without clean water, and 18% were infected and without clean water | Clean Water| | | Yes| No| Total| Infected| 0. 58| 0. 18| 0. 76| Not Infected| 0. 21| 0. 03| 0. 24| Total| 0. 79| 0. 21| 1. 00| a) What’s the probability that a surveyed person had clean water and was not infected? .21 had clean water and was not infected 15) A survey concluded that 54. 4% of the households in a particular country have both a landline and a cell phone, 32. 6% have only cell phone services but no landline, and 4. 6% have no telephone services at all. ) What proportion of households have a landline? Begin by making a contingency table. | Cell Phone| | | Yes| No| Total| Landline| 0. 545| 0. 083| 0. 628| No Landline| 0. 326| 0. 046| 0. 372| Total| 0. 871| 0. 129| 1. 00| The completed contingency tables shows that P(landline) = 0. 628. b) Are having a cell phone and having a landline independent? Explain. Events A and B are independent when P(B|A) = P(B). To determine wheter having a cell pho ne and having a landline are indepented, find P(landline|cell phone) and P(landline). Recall from part a) that P(landline) =0. 628 PBA=P(A and B)P(A)Use the formula to find P(landline|cell phone) Plandlinecell phone=P(landline and cell phone)P(cell phone) Since the contingency table shows that P(landline and cell phone)=0. 545 and P(cell phone)=0. 871, substitute these values into the equation. Divide to find the conditional probability, rounding to three decimal places. Plandlinecell phone=0. 5450. 871=0. 626 Thus, P(landline|cell phone)=0. 626 and P(landline)=0. 628. Because 0. 626 is very close to 0. 628, having a cell phone and having a landline are probably independent. Of the households surveyed, 62. 6% with cell phones had landlines, and 62. 8% of all households did. 6) A marketing agency has developed three vacation packages to promote a timeshare plan at a new resort. They estimate that 30% of potential customers will choose the Day Plan, which does not include overnight ac commodations; 30% will choose the Overnight Plan, which includes one night at the resort; and 40% will choose the Weekend Plan, which includes two nights. a) Find the expected value of the number of nights that potential customers will need Vacation Package| Nights Included| Probability P(X=x)| | Day Plan| 0| 30100=0. 3| | Overnight Plan| 1| 30100=0. 3| | Weekend Plan| 2| 40100=0. 4| | This, P(X=0)=0. 3, P(X=1) =0. 3, and P(X=2)=0. Use the formula E(X) = ? x †¢ P(x) to detrime the expected value. E(X) = ? x †¢ P(x) = 0(0. 3) +1(0. 3) +2(0. 4) = 1. 1 There, the expected value of the number of night potential customers will need is 1. 1 b) Find the standard deviation of the number of nights potential customers will need. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. First, Find the Variance: To do so, find the deviation of each value of X from the mean and square each deviation. The variance is the expected value of these squared deviations and is found using th e formula below. = Var(X) = ? (x –  µ)? P(x) Find the deviation for each value of X.Remember that E(x)=1. 1 Vacation Package| Nights Included| Probability P(X=x)| Deviation (x – E(X))| Day Plan| 0| 30100=0. 3| 0 – 1. 1 = -1. 1| Overnight Plan| 1| 30100=0. 3| 1 – 1. 1 = -0. 1| Weekend Plan| 2| 40100=0. 4| 2 – 1. 1 = 0. 9| Now find the variance using the formula =Var(X)=? (x –  µ)? P(x) Var(X) = ? (x –  µ)? P(x) = (-1. 1)? (0. 3) + (-0. 1)? (0. 3) + (0. 9)? (0. 4) = 0. 69 Finally, the standard deviation also known as ? is the square root of the variance. ? = Var(x) = 0. 69 = 0. 83 Therefore, the standard deviation of the number of nights potential customers will need is approximately 0. 83 nights. 7) A grocery supplier believes that in a dozen eggs, the mean number of broken eggs is 0. 2 with a standard deviation of 0. 1 eggs. You buy 3 dozen eggs without checking them. a) How many broken eggs do you get? The expected value of t he sum of random variables is the sum of the expected values of each idividula random variable. Find the sum of the expected values where X is the total number of broken eggs in the three dozen, and X, X, X Represent the three individual dozen eggs. E(X) = E(X1) + EX2+ EX3 = 0. 2 + 0. 2 + 0. 2 = 0. 6 Therefore, the expected value of X is 0. 6 eggs. b) What’s the standard deviation?The variance of the sum of independent variables is the sum of their individual variances. Find the variance for each carton, add the variances, and then take the square root of the sum to find the standard deviation. The variance of each individual dozen is the square of each dozens standard deviation. Var(X1) = Var(X2) = Var(X3) = 0. 12= 0. 01 Find the sum of the variances to find the variance of the sum. Var(X) = VarX1+ VarX2+ VarX3 = 0. 01 + 0. 01 + 0. 01 = 0. 03 Recall that the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. Find the standard deviation. SD(X) = Var(x) = 0. 03 = 0. 17Ther efore, the standard deviation is 0. 17 eggs c) What assumptions did you have to make about the eggs in order to answer this question? The variance for the sum of random variables is only the sun of variances of each random variable in certain cases. Review the assumption that must be made to allow the variance to be the sum of the individual variances. 18) An insurance company estimates that it should make an annual profit of $260 on each homeowner’s policy written, with a standard deviation of $6000. a) Why is the standard deviation so large? Home insurance is used to protect the owner financially in the event of a problem.If a catastrophe occurs, then the insurance company will cover the cost of the damage. If a catastrophe never occurs, then the insurance company pays nothing. Meanwhile, the owner pays the insurance company at regular intervals whether or not a catastrophe occurs. The expected value is the mean annual profit on all of the policies and the standard deviatio n is a measure of how much annual profits can differ from the mean. Use this information with the fact that claims are rare, but very costly, occurrences. b) If the company writes only four of these policies, what are the mean and standard deviation of the annual profit?LetX1,X2, X3,†¦,Xn represent the annual profit on the n policies and let X be the random variable for the total annual profit on n polices written. X=X1+X2+ X3+†¦+Xn The expected value of the sum is the sum of the expected values. Find the expected value of the annual profit on each policy. EX1=EX2=EX3=EX4=$260 Now find the sum of the expected values. EX=EX1+EX2+EX3+EX4 =260+260+260+260 = $1040 Therefore, the mean annual profit is $1040 To find the standard deviation of the annual profit, use the fact that te variances of the sum of independent variables is the sum of their individual variances. First find the variance for each policy.The variance for the policy is the square of the standard deviation. VarX 1=VarX2=VarX3=VarX4=60002=36,000,000 VarX=VarX1+VarX2+VarX3+VarX4 = 4(36,000,000) = 144,000,000 Evaluate the square root of the variance to find the standard deviation. SDX=VarX =144,000,000 =$12,000 Therefore, the standard deviation is $12,000 c) If the company writes 10,000 of these policies, what are the mean and standard deviation of annual profit? The expected value of the sum is the sum of the expected values. The expected value of each policy was found earlier. EX1=EX2=EX3=†¦ =EX10,000=$260 Now find the sum of expected values. EX=EX1+EX2+EX3+†¦ +EX10,000 10,000(260) =$2,600,000 Therefore, the mean annual profit is $2,600,000 To find the standard deviation of the annual profit, use the fact that the variance of the sum of independent variables is the sum of their individual variances. First find the variance for each policy. The variance for the policy is the square of the standard deviation and was found earlier. VarX1=VarX2=VarX3= †¦ =VarX10,000=36,000,000 Now sum the variances to find the variances of the sum. VarX=VarX1+VarX2+VarX3+†¦ +VarX10,000 =10,000(36,000,000) =360,000,000,000 Evaluate the square root of the variance to find the standard deviation. SDX=Var(X) =360,000,000,000 $600,000 Therefore, the standard deviation is $600,000. d) Do you think the company is likely to be profitable? Recall that the mean annual profit for 10,000 policies is $2,600,000. While this number seems quite large, it is necessary to determine how likely a profit is to ensure that this company will be profitable. Find the distance in standard deviation of $0 from the mean to determine how rare an occurrence of no profit would be. z=x- =0-2,600,000600,000 =-4. 3 Thus, $0 is 4. 3 standard deviation below the mean. **Note that approximately 95% of the annual profits should lie within two standard deviations of the mean.Evaluate whether the distance of $0 from the mean is convincing enough to determine whether or not the company will be profitable. e) W hat assumptions underlie your analysis? Can you think of circumstances under which those assumptions might be violated? The variance of the sum of random variables is only the sum of the variances of each random variables in certain cases. Review the assumption that must be made to allow the variance to be the sum of the individual variances. Then chose the situation that would create an association among policy losses. 19) A farmer has 130 lbs. of apples and 60 lbs. f potatoes for sale. The market price for apples (per pound) each day is a random variable with a mean of 0. 8 dollars and a standard deviation of 0. 4 dollars. Similarly, for a pound of potatoes, the mean price is 0. 4 dollars and the standard deviation is 0. 2 dollars. It also costs him 5 dollars to bring all the apples and potato’s to the market. The market is busy with shoppers, so assume that he’ll be able to sell all of each type of produce at the day’s price. a) Define your random variables, and use them to express the farmer’s net income. A random variable’s outcome is bases on a random event.Therefore let the random variables represent the factors that will be randomly determined each day. The random variables should represent the market prices of the two items. A = price per pound of apples P = price per pound of potatoes The profit is equal to the total income minus the total cost. The income is found by multiplying the market price for apples by the total number of pounds sold and adding it to the product of the market price for potatoes and the number of pounds of potatoes sold. The total cost is the transparent cost. Profit = 130A + 60P – 5 b) Find the mean. The mean of the net income is the expected value of the profit.Profit = 130A + 60P – 5 E(Proft) = E(130A + 60P – 5) Use the property E(X + Y) = E(X) + E(Y) to express the expected value of the profit as the sum of two separate expected values E=(Profit) = E(130A +60P -5) = E [(130A) + (60P – 5)] = E(130A) + E(60P – 5) Now use the property EX ±c= E(X) ±c E(Profit) = E(130A) + E(60P – 5) = E(130A) + E(60P) – 5 Finally, use the property E(aX) = aE(X) to remove the coefficient from the expected values. E(Profit) = E(130A) + E(60P) – 5 = 130E(A) + 60E(P) – 5 Substitute the known expected values of the prices of apples and potatoes in the equation. E(Profit) = E(130A) + E(60P) – 5 E(0. 8) + E(0. 4) – 5 Evaluate the expected profit. E(Profit) = 130(0. 8) + 60(0. 4) – 5 = 123 Therefore, the mean is 123 dollars. c) Find the standard deviation of the net income. To find the standard deviation, first find the variance and then take the square root, since the properties useful in this case are in terms of variance and not standard deviation SD(Profit) = Var(Profit) = Var(130A+60P-5) First use the property Var(X + Y) = Var(X) + Var(Y) to express the variance of the profit as the sum of two separate v ariance Var(Profit) = Var(130A + 60P – 5) = Var[(130A) + (60P – 5)] =Var(130A) + Var(60P – 5)Now use the property Var(X  ± c) = Var(X) to simplify the second variance Vr(Profit) = Var(130A) + Var(60P – 5) = Var(130A) + Var(60P) Finally, use the property VaraX=a2VarX to restate each variance. Var(Profit) = Var(130A) + Var(60P) = 1302VarA+ 602VarP = 16,900Var(A) + 3600Var(P) Evaluate the variance of the profit. Var(Profit) = 16,900(0. 16) + 3600(0. 04) = 2848 Lastly, find the standard deviation, rounding to two decimal place. SD(Profit) = VarProfit = 2848 = 53. 37 Therefore, the standard deviation of the net income is 53. 37 dollars. d) Do you need to make any assumptions in calculating the mean?Recall that the mean of the sum of two or more random variables is the sum of the means. Determine what, if any, assumptions are made to use this property. Do you need to make any assumptions in calculating the standard deviation? Recall that the variance of the s um of two random variables is only the sum of their individual variances in certain cases, Determine what, if any, assumptions are made to use this property. 20) A salesman normally makes a sale (closes) on 65% of his presentations. Assuming the presentations are independent, find the probability of the following. ) He fails to close for the first time on his sixth attempt. Use the formula below to determine the probability, where p is the probability success, q=1 – p and X is the number of trails until the first success occurs. P(X=x) = qx-1p Find the values for p and q. **Note that in this case that a success is defined as failed to close p = 0. 35 q = 0. 65 Substitute and solve to find P(X=6). Rounding to four decimal places P(X=6) = qx-1p = 0. 656-1(0. 35) = 0. 0406 Therefore, the probability he fails to close for the first tie on his sixth attempt is 0. 0406 b) He closes his first presentation on his fifth attempt.Find the values for p and q. **Note that in this case tha t a success is defined as making a sale p = 0. 65 q = 0. 35 Substitute and solve to find P(X = 5), rounding to four decimal places P(X=5) = qx-1p = 0. 355-1(0. 65) = 0. 0098 Therefore, the probability he closes his first presentation on his fifth attempt is 0. 0098 c) The first presentation he closes will be on his second attempt. Find the values for p and q. Note that in this case that a success is defined as making a sale. p = 0. 65 q = 0. 35 Substitute and solve to find P(X=2) P(X=2) = qx-1p = 0. 352-1(0. 65) = 0. 2275Therefore, the probability the first presentation he closes will be on his second attempt is 0. 2275 d) The first presentation he closes will be on one of his first three attempts. Use the fact that the compliment of an even is equal to 1 – P(X=x) to find the probability. The compliment event is that he will not close a sale on any of his first three attempts. Find the probability that he does not close on his first three attempts, rounding to four decimal pl aces. 0. 353=0. 0429 Subtract from 1 to find the probability the first presentation he closes will be on one of his first three attempts 1 – 0. 429 = 0. 9571 Therefore, the probability the first presentation he closes will be on one of his first three attempts is 0. 9571 21) College students are a major target for advertisements for credit cards. At a university, 73% of students surveyed said that they had opened a new credit card account within the past year. If that percentage is accurate, how many students would you expect to survey before finding one who had not opened a new account in the past year? First check to see that the cells are Bernoulli trials. Trials are Bernoulli if the following three conditions are satisfied. 1.There are only two possible outcomes (called success and failure) for each trial. 2. The probability of success, denoted p, is the same on every trial. (The probability of failure, 1 – p is often denoted q. ) 3. The trials are independent Ther e are only two possible outcomes for each trial because a student either opened a credit card account in the past year or they did not. The probability of success is the same on every trial, based on the percent given in the problem statement. The trails are independent because each student’s response is not dependent on any other student’s response.Thus, the trials of surveying the students are Bernoulli trials. A geometric probability model models how long it will take to achieve the first success in a series of Bernoulli trials. Let X be the number of students that will have to be surveyed before finding the first student who did not open a credit card in the past year. The two outcomes are a student who did not open a credit card account in the past year *success) and a student who opened a credit card account in the past year (failure). The probability of a failure is given in the problem statement as q = 73% = 0. 73.Find the probability of success by subtracting this from 1. P = 1 – 0. 73 = 0. 27 Find the expected value of X. In a geometric model, the expected value is EX= 1p , where p is the probability of success. Round up to the nearest integer. EX=10. 27=4 Therefore, on average, you would expect to survey 4 students before finding one who had not opened a new account in the past year. 22) A certain tennis player makes a successful first serve 82% of the time/ Assume that each serve is independent of the others. If she serves 7 times, what’s the probability she gets a) all 7 serves in? b) exactly 5 serves in? ) at least 5 serves in? d) no more than 5 serves in? The first step is to check to see that these are Bernoulli trails. The first serves can be considered Bernoulli trials. There are only two possible outcomes, successful and unsuccessful. The probability of any first serve being good is given as p = 0. 82. Finally, it is assumed that each serve is independent of the others. Next define the random variable. Each questi on deals with the number of serves, so let X be the number of successful serves in n = 7 first serves. Now determine which probability model is appropriate for these problems.Recall that geometric probability models deal with how long it will take to achieve a success. A binomial probability model describes the number of successes in a specific number of trails. All the question deal with the number of successful serves so the binomial probability model Binom(7,0. 82 is appropriate here. a) all 7 serves in? The probability that she ges all 7 serves in is P(X=7). To use the binomial probability model Binom(n,p), use the fallowing formula, where n is the number of trials, p is the probability of success, q is the probability of failure (q = 1 – p), and X is the number of successes in n trials.PX=x= nxpxqn – x, where nx= n! x! n-x! First substitute the correct values into the formula PX=7= 770. 8270. 187- 7 Now simplify. P(X = 7) ? 0. 249 Therefore, the probability that s he gets all 7 serves in is approximately 0. 249 binomPDF(7, . 82, 7) = b) exactly 5 serves in? The probability she gets exactly 5 serves in is P(X = 5). As in part a, use the formula PX=x= nxpxqn – x to find this probability PX=5= 750. 8250. 187 – 5 ?0. 252 Therefore, the probability she gets exactly 5 serves in is approximately 0. 252 binomPDF(7, . 82, 5) = c) at least 5 serves in?To find P(at least 5 serves in), first determine and an expression that is equal to this probability. Note that the wording â€Å"at least 5†, means 5 or more, meaning that there can 5, 6, or 7 serves in. Thus, the probability equals P(X=5) + P(X=6) + P(X=7). So to find the probability that she got at least 5 serves in, evaluate. P(X=5) + P(X=6) + P(X=7) = 75(0. 82)50. 187-5+76(0. 82)6(0. 18)7-6+77(0. 82)7(0. 18)7-7 ?0. 885 Therefore, the probability she gets at least 5 serves in is approximately 0. 885 binomPDF(7, . 82, 5) + binomPDF(7, . 82, 6) + binomPDF(7, . 82, 7) = d) no more th an 5 serves in?To find P(no more than 5), first determine an expression that is equal to this probability. Note that the wondering â€Å"no more than 5† means 5 or less, meaning that there can be 0 thru 5 successful serves. Thus, the probability equals P(X? 5). So to find the probability that there are no more than 5 serves in, evaluate P(X? 5), which is equal to P(X=0) + P(X=1) + †¦ + P(X=5), using the formula PX=x= nxpxqn – x P(X=0) + P(X=1) + †¦ + P(X=5) = 70(0. 82)00. 187-0+71(0. 82)1(0. 18)7-1 + †¦ + 75(0. 82)5(0. 18)7-5 ? 0. 368 Therefore, the probability that there are no more than 5 serves in is approximately 0. 368 binomCDF(7, . 82, 5)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Military Operations

The role of the officer in the armed forces is to provide leadership for all operational commands. Military officers are expected to command the managerial, executive, scientific and technical centers of high-level military operations. In the U. S. Army, the officer will command a fort or a brigade. In the Navy, he or she will command a ship, submarine, or aircraft squadron. In the Air Force, officers command space shuttles or engineering, airlift wing, medical staff, or logistics centers. In the Marines, they command operations and training, plans and budget, or enlisted processing stations. In the Coast Guard, they can be chief of training, executive officers, or public affairs; or commanding officer of a cutter. Being all that you can be means performing any number of tasks. Whichever of the five branches of the United States Armed forces (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Forces, or Coast Guard) you choose to join, prepare yourself for more than a buzz-cut and target practice. Officers are leaders, organizers, strategists, and managers whose duties entail enormous responsibilities. Each branch of the armed forces has particular tasks. The Army is in charge of land-based defense initiatives. The Air Force supervises space and air defense. While the Navy flies the flag upon the seas, the Marine Corps provides them with land support. The Coast Guard plays a dual role. In peacetime, it works for the Department of Transportation, controlling access to American shores. The moment war breaks out, the Coast Guard works alongside of the Navy. Some of the responsibilities inherent in a chosen military career are obvious, such as running a nuclear submarine or commanding a platoon of demolition specialists. Less obvious, but just as important, are he various clerical and managerial tasks that are essential to the smooth operation of our national defense and international peacekeeping. Because of military officers' versatility, training, and skills, they are valued in the civilian world. Many former officers find themselves in great demand at some of America's largest corporation. Department of Transportation, controlling access to American shores. The moment war breaks out, the Coast Guard works alongside of the Navy. Some of the responsibilities inherent in a chosen military career are obvious, such as running a nuclear ubmarine or commanding a platoon of demolition specialists. Less obvious, but just as important, are the various clerical and managerial tasks that are essential to the smooth operation of our national defense and international peacekeeping. Because of military officers' versatility, training, and skills, they are valued in the civilian world. Many former officers find themselves in great demand at some of America's largest corporation Pay and benefits are based on rank and cumulative years of service. For example, the newly commissioned Second Lieutenant or Ensign can expect on average a base salary of 26,000 per year. Further, this salary is augmented by allowances for living quarters, subsistence, and various hazardous duty incentives. For example, in the U. S. Navy an officer's salary can be supplemented by either sea pay, submarine pay, or aviation pay, depending on the career path. Overall, the armed forces offer a salary structure that is competitive with private industry. The perks include extensive travel and health-care benefits, as well as family-oriented services like day care, job security, and a decent pension after a relatively short career. Of ourse, the gratitude our nation shows its soldiers cannot be left out of the package. Benefits available to members of the armed forces compare favorably to those in the civilian work force. Some examples are opportunities for highly advanced training and education with full salary, early high-level management responsibilities, medical and dental care, 30 days of paid yearly vacation, moving allowances, shopping privileges at exchanges and commissaries, membership affiliation with officer clubs, a dynamic retirement program, and fringe benefits that offer long-range security for both career.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Smileys people, and Spy game Essays

Essay on Smileys people, and Spy game Essays Essay on Smileys people, and Spy game Essay Essay on Smileys people, and Spy game Essay In the world of espionage the value of trust Is paramount to Its functioning, however for spies, It Is essential for them to understand the meaning of that trust. This Is evident in John Lee Cares Smiley people, Tony Scoots spy game, and the Late Night Live audio piece on Kim Philly, where the themes, Deceit, Patriotism, and Greater Good, encompasses all three texts. The absence of trust can prevent bonding between friends, and friendship is one of the key elements in the world of espionage, in which trust is built between friends and allies In order to completely trust each other. Betrayal of trust can have a cataclysmic effect on those who have been betrayed. Morality cannot be questioned In the world of espionage. As the safety of the country overrides the importance of an individual. Trust can be sacrificed if it clashes with the overall objectives. Spying is the ultimate form of patriotism, as an individual sacrifices many of his rights and freedoms to fulfill the Job. In the world of espionage, friendship is a key element in which trust is built between friends and allies in order to completely trust each other, and the absence of It can hinder bonds between them. Deceit is a major theme evident In all three texts, and In friendship, true friends dont hide anything from each other. In the Lenss audio piece, Elliot and Philly were very close, they were bonded really well, they shared a similar sense of humor and went through WWW together, since Elliot was on Britains side and Philly was on the Soviets, the countries were allied against Germany. The affectionate tone, gives us an Insight of how close they were, and how much Elliot trusted Philly. Friends are supposed to trust each other, and that Is seen between Philly and Elliot. However, Philly takes advantage of the trust between friends to obtain confidential information for the Soviets, which led to thousands of MOM agents being betrayed. This is also evident in John lee Cares Smiley people, We need someone from his past, George. Someone who knew his little ways, can identify him, damp down potential scandal. We need you, George. Now George, wake up where George finds out that his old friend and associate had been shot dead. The repetition of George depicts the close bond that they had with each other, they were associates and very good friends. George and Vladimir obtained Vladimir obtained much confidential information from the Soviets together, so when Vladimir was murdered, Alcoa had to repeat the news to George, because he was in disbelief over the incident. In Tony Scoots movie, spy game, Mir is deceitful to Bishop and Bishop realizes this. True friends dont hide anything from each other. Bishop says to Mir muff know everything about me. I dont know a thing about you. The Juxtaposition through dialogue of know everything and dont know a thing creates a wide gap of knowledge between the two friends. The fact that Mir doesnt disclose his personal life to Bishop, suggests that he doesnt trust him yet. However they are friends, and friends are supposed to open up to each other, but Mir doesnt. Bishop wants Mir to open up to him, so that they can become close friends. Therefore in the world of espionage, friendship Is key to strengthen the bonds between friends and trust each of espionage, trust is paramount to its functioning, because friendship is built with trust, in order for agents to trust each other. Betrayal of trust can have a cataclysmic effect on those who have been betrayed, and eaves scars that would never fade. Greater good is apparent in the world of espionage, as spies sacrifice or are sacrificed for the greater good of their country. In Tony Coots spy game, during Operation Rodeo/Cartage Affair, the aim was to transfer Frederica Schmidt from East Germany to West Germany. Mir realizes Anne Cataract is a mole because she knew that someone was crossing the border. She wears black, and that symbolizes evil. Schmidt is then left for dead by Tom Bishop who follows Mir orders. When Schmidt mutters my wife, my children, it makes him seem like a person rather than bait. The close up shot of Schmidt face, gives us a better understanding of his emotions, as the audience can see his feeling of desperation, and helplessness. His defeated look, engages the audience to feel sympathy for Schmidt. Ann.s betrayal of the agencys trust, has lead to Schmidt and his family being killed, and has left Tom Bishop in frustration. Bishop continually looks at the rear mirror, which signals that his personal emotions are infringing his ability to do his Job. The deceit committed by the agency has left a cataclysmic effect on him. This brings in the notion of sacrifice for the greater good, as Schmidt individual importance was undermined and expendable for the greater good of the agencys safety. Similarly in Lenss audiophile, Elliot abandoned his friendship with Philly for the greater good of Britain, as Philips deceit has lead to thousands of agents betrayed, due to this friendship. The word thousands creates cruel imagery in the audiences mind, and they imagine the many agents that have been betrayed. The effect of the cruel imagery of the horrendous amount of agents being betrayed, implements a sense of outrage from the audience. The outrage, is directed at Philly s they condemn his deceit and lack of morality towards other human beings. In Smiley people, deceit is widespread. Because the General had a terror of betrayal, Smiley thought. The old boy saw it everywhere, in everyone around him. The use of allusion of the old boy to a veteran of the world of espionage, is indicative that he has experienced many deceitful things throughout his life. Vladimir was cautious of everyone around him, because he didnt want to trust somebody, and then get betrayed, especially by the people he worked with/for. Therefore he knows to trust nobody, as anyone can betray him. Thus, betrayal of trust produces lifelong scars to those who have been betrayed. Hence, in the world of espionage the value of trust is paramount to its functioning, and if trust is betrayed then it significantly affects those betrayed and leaves lifelong scars then will never fade away. Patriotism is a significant theme in the world of espionage because, such a vigorous support for ones country pressures them into disregarding everything, and to only focus on the duty. Morality cannot be questioned in the world of espionage, as the safety of the country overrides the importance of an individual. Trust can be sacrificed if it clashes with the overall objectives. In the LEN audio piece on Kim betraying my country, I hope that I may have the guts to betray my country. . The use of first person, emphasizes the importance of the personal decision. This arises the question, as to whether you can really trust another human being. Different people may have a different view, as some people may choose to betray their friends rather than their country. Patriotism plays a part in the world of espionage, because spying is the ultimate form of patriotism, as an individual sacrifices many of his rights, freedoms, and even friendships to succeed in their Jobs. Similarly in smiley people, Alcoa complains that he is restricted by the circus and, the high accountability someone in his position has. Alcoa prowled the threadbare carpet like a man made restless by his conscience The simile relates Lagoons anxiety, created by his conscience, to a old worn out carpet. This implies that Alcoa is fed up with the responsibility of being accountable for immoral actions. This gives the audience an insight of the dark and cruel world of espionage, and the troubles spies have to encounter. In the world of espionage, spies are trained to see the state a s being top rarity and so therefore values such as importance of an individual life are disregarded. Spies many also use the needs of the state to Justify their immoral actions, as part of the Job. In Tony Scoots spy game, Bishop is sacrificed for the successful outcome of trade negotiations with China. Mir asks the government bureaucrats at the briefing Why are you trying to burn Bishop? . The silence and the soft depressing non-dietetic music after the question was asked, compels the audience to think about what was Just said. Thus, the silence builds tension among the audience with in turn foreshadows the importance of their decision. The government bureaucrats know the greater good of the trade negotiations with China, overwrites the importance of Bishops life. They are willing to sacrifice the trust Bishop has in them, in order for the greater good to prevail. They have made the decision to abandon him, as it endangers the economical safety of the United States. Consequently, morality cannot be questioned in the world of espionage as the safety of the country outweighs individual importance. Patriotism is the force that pushes the agents to make certain decisions, and complete the overall objectives, even Hough trust is sacrificed in some of those decisions. In conclusion, in the world of espionage the value of trust is paramount, as the themes Deceit, Patriotism, and Greater Good, surround the texts John Lee Cares Smiley people, Tony Scoots spy game, and the Late Night Live audio piece on Kim Philly. The themes are interconnected, as trust is evident in all the themes. Friendship is one of the key elements in the world of espionage and trust is built between friends and allies in order to completely trust each other. The absence of the trust that is build up in friendships, prevents bonding between friends. Betrayal of trust can have cataclysmic effect on those who have been betrayed, and leaves scars that would never fade. Morality isnt valued in the world of espionage, as the safety of the country overrides the importance of an individual, and trust can be sacrificed if it clashes with the overall objectives. Patriotism is apparent in the world of espionage, because spying is the ultimate form of patriotism, as it requires an individual to sacrifice many of his rights, freedoms and friendships to fulfill the Job. Functioning, however for many spies, it is essential for them to understand the meaning of that trust.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on On The Waterfront

On the Waterfront The theme for On the Waterfront took place in the late 1940’s and 50’s. There was a conflict between John Corridan a priest and Joseph Ryan the head of the ILA (International Longshoreman’s Union). Corridan’s problem was with the labor union because the union dominated the docks and he felt that the conditions which they worked in were dangerous and crude. On the docks there were plenty of workers to fit the job, but the only ones who worked were the ones that worked for the cheapest wages. The workers were treated like slaves and worked in horrible conditions. Corridan had a conflict with the ILA because he knew that the union wasn’t going to reform the waterfront labor practices. Men desperate for work gave the bosses kickbacks. Loan sharks gave high interest loans to desperate longshoremen just looking to make a buck. After some time there was a rivalry between two Catholic sub-cultures. The conflict was between Corridan a Jesuit priest and the Catholic dockworkers that began to accept the fact that poverty and suffering were an inevitable part of life. To encourage people to testify against Ryan and others, Corridan went to get the publics attention. He met with Budd Schulberg a screenwriter, and they developed a script about the waterfront. After there conversation Schulberg decided to turn the struggle between the ILA and Corridan into the film called â€Å"On the Waterfront†. This film is a bit controversial and deals with three types of Biases. The three types are: Individual, Group, and General. Individual Bias is satisfying one’s own desires, which also translates into being selfish. In the Movie Charlie Malloy showed individual Bias. Charlie was Terry’s brother who handled the union’s money and he never looked out for anyone except himself. In some ways it is acceptable to be worried about yourself but not to the point that you’re gaining by holding others back. Terry h... Free Essays on On The Waterfront Free Essays on On The Waterfront On the Waterfront The theme for On the Waterfront took place in the late 1940’s and 50’s. There was a conflict between John Corridan a priest and Joseph Ryan the head of the ILA (International Longshoreman’s Union). Corridan’s problem was with the labor union because the union dominated the docks and he felt that the conditions which they worked in were dangerous and crude. On the docks there were plenty of workers to fit the job, but the only ones who worked were the ones that worked for the cheapest wages. The workers were treated like slaves and worked in horrible conditions. Corridan had a conflict with the ILA because he knew that the union wasn’t going to reform the waterfront labor practices. Men desperate for work gave the bosses kickbacks. Loan sharks gave high interest loans to desperate longshoremen just looking to make a buck. After some time there was a rivalry between two Catholic sub-cultures. The conflict was between Corridan a Jesuit priest and the Catholic dockworkers that began to accept the fact that poverty and suffering were an inevitable part of life. To encourage people to testify against Ryan and others, Corridan went to get the publics attention. He met with Budd Schulberg a screenwriter, and they developed a script about the waterfront. After there conversation Schulberg decided to turn the struggle between the ILA and Corridan into the film called â€Å"On the Waterfront†. This film is a bit controversial and deals with three types of Biases. The three types are: Individual, Group, and General. Individual Bias is satisfying one’s own desires, which also translates into being selfish. In the Movie Charlie Malloy showed individual Bias. Charlie was Terry’s brother who handled the union’s money and he never looked out for anyone except himself. In some ways it is acceptable to be worried about yourself but not to the point that you’re gaining by holding others back. Terry h...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Top Major Causes and Motivations of Terrorism

Top Major Causes and Motivations of Terrorism Loosely defined, terrorism is the use of violence with the aim of furthering a political or ideological goal at the expense of the general population. Terrorism can take many forms and has many causes, often more than one. It can have its roots in religious, social, or political conflicts, often when one community is oppressed by another. Some terrorist events are singular acts linked to a particular historical moment, such as the assassination of Austrias Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, which touched off World War I. Other terrorist attacks are part of an ongoing campaign that may last years or even generations, as was the case in Northern Ireland from 1968 to 1998.   Historical Roots Although acts of terror and violence have been committed for centuries, terrorisms modern roots can be traced to the French Revolutions Reign of Terror in 1794–95, with its gruesome public beheadings, violent street battles, and bloodthirsty rhetoric. It was the first time in modern history that mass violence was used in such a fashion, but it would not be the last. In the latter half of the 19th century, terrorism would emerge as the weapon of choice for nationalists, particularly in Europe as ethnic groups chafed under the rule of empires. The Irish National Brotherhood, which sought Irish independence from Britain, carried out a number of bomb attacks in England in the 1880s. About the same time in Russia, the socialist group  Narodnaya Volya began a campaign against the royalist government, ultimately assassinating Tsar Alexander II in 1881. In the 20th century, acts of terrorism became more prevalent throughout the world as political, religious, and social activists agitated for change. In the 1930s, Jews living in occupied Palestine conducted a campaign of violence against the British occupiers in a quest to create the state of Israel. In the 1970s, Palestinian  terrorists used then-novel methods such as hijacking airplanes to further their cause. Other groups, espousing new causes like animal rights and environmentalism, committed acts of violence in the 1980s and 90s. And in the 21st century, the rise of pan-nationalist groups like ISIS that use social media to connect its members have killed thousands in attacks in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Causes and Motivations Although people resort to terrorism for a number of reasons, experts attribute most acts of violence to three major factors: Political.  Terrorism was originally theorized in the context of insurgency and guerrilla warfare, a form of organized political violence by a non-state army or group.  Individuals, abortion clinic bombers, or groups, like the Vietcong in the 1960s, can be understood as choosing terrorism when they are trying to right what they perceive to be a social, political or historical wrong. During the Troubles in Northern Ireland, which stretched from 1968 to 1998, Catholic and Protestant groups waged an ongoing campaign of violence against one another in Northern Ireland and in England, seeking political dominance.Religious.  In the 1990s, a number of attacks carried out in the name of religion made headlines. The Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo perpetrated two deadly sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subways in 1994 and 1995, and in the Middle East, numerous suicide attacks since the 1980s have been celebrated as the work of Islamic martyrs.  Career terrorism experts began to arg ue that a new form of terrorism was on the  rise, with concepts  such as martyrdom and Armageddon  seen as particularly dangerous. However, as thoughtful studies and commentators have repeatedly pointed out, such groups selectively interpret and exploit religious concepts and texts to support terrorism. Religions themselves do not cause terrorism. Socioeconomic.  Socio-economic explanations of terrorism suggest that various forms of deprivation drive people to terrorism, or that they are more susceptible to recruitment by organizations using terrorist tactics.  Poverty, lack of education or lack of political freedom are a few examples.  There is suggestive evidence on both sides of the argument. Comparisons of different conclusions are often very confusing because they dont distinguish between individuals and societies, and they pay little attention to the nuances of how people perceive injustice or deprivation, regardless of their material circumstances. The group Shining Path carried out a years-long campaign of violence against Perus government in the 1980s and early 90s in an attempt to create a Marxist state.   This explanation of the causes of terrorism may be difficult to swallow. It sounds too simple or too theoretical. However, if you look at any group that is widely understood as a terrorist group, you will find these elements are basic to their story. Psychological and Sociological Considerations: Individual vs. the Group Sociological and social psychology views of terrorism make the case that groups, not individuals, are the best way to explain social phenomena such as terrorism. These ideas, which are still gaining traction, are congruent with the late-20th-century trend toward seeing society and organizations in terms of networks of individuals. This view also shares common ground with studies of authoritarianism and cult behavior that examines how individuals come to identify so strongly with a group that they lose individual agency.  There is also a substantial body of theory that now concludes that individual terrorists are no more or less likely than other individuals  to have abnormal pathology.   Analysis Rather than seek the causes of terrorism itself, a better approach is to determine the conditions that make terror possible or likely. Sometimes these conditions have to do with the people who become terrorists; they are described as having certain psychological traits, like narcissistic rage. And some conditions have to do with the circumstances they live in, such as political or social repression, or economic strife. Terrorism is a complex phenomenon; it is a specific kind of political violence committed by people who do not have a  legitimate army at their disposal. There is nothing inside any person or in their circumstances that send them directly to terrorism. Instead, certain conditions make violence against civilians seem like a reasonable and even necessary option. Stopping the cycle of violence is rarely simple or easy. Although the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 brought an end to the violence in Northern Ireland, for example, the peace remains a fragile one. And despite nation-building efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorism remains a daily fact of life after more than a decade of Western intervention. Only time and commitment by a majority of the parties involved can resolve​ a conflict.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chinese Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chinese Art History - Essay Example Artistic features did not only feature in religious matters but, also the politics of the community. History indicates that political dynasties in China had a specific symbol. For example, Han dynasty (206 B.C –A.D 220) used bronze horse as its symbol. Within the Hans territory, the sculpture of the horse appeared in various centers. This enabled the society to recognize the ruler of that time. The painting of the emperors appeared in most public places as a means of promoting their interest to their communities. For example, the painting of the Han dynasty founder Liu Bang was critical in demarcating Liu’s territory. Ideally, the political figures instituted their rules by placing the sculptures or portraits in various temples or public places. In most cases, the subject of the emperor swore their allegiance to the temples where their rulers resided. When a political dynasty collapsed or when a change of power transfigured in the Chinese communities, the new ruler coul d build his dynasty. The portraits of the predecessor could no longer feature in public places. Further, territory demarcation could follow by placing the portraits of the new ruler. This system did not only, helped the community to identity their leaders but also swear allegiance to them. The politicians expanded their territory by placing their sculptures among the communities they ruled. For example, Wu Di expanded his territory to areas such as Mongolia, east of Korea among other places by instituting the sculpture of his Terra Cotta Army. (Wang 84). 2. Many Chinese works of art deliberately refer to the past in one way or another; using examples from at least three different historical periods, discuss some of these references and explain how they affect the viewer's understanding of the meaning of the work. The Chinese community used art to promote various interests such religion, education, or philosophy. For examples, during Confucianism period, Zhou Dynasty (1122-221 B. C), artists sculpted portraits that illustrated Confucian principles as the guide to the society (Wang 85). The viewers of the portrait were to remember the Confucian principles whenever they saw the portrait. The portrait of Confucian symbolized moral aspects in the community such as humanness as found in the legendary writings of Confucian. The Confucian period emphasized morality above divinity thereby influencing the Chinese community to incline towards the principles of Confucianism. The viewers of the Confucian portrait reflected the Confucian philosophy. In essence, the portrait served as a reminder to the Confucian philosophy. The viewers of the Buddha portrait used it to illustrate the divine nature proclaimed by Buddha. His followers used his

Discuss the importance of soil in the environment Essay

Discuss the importance of soil in the environment - Essay Example The three most imperative components of soil encompass clay, silt and sand. Texture of the soil depends on the composition of these components in various proportion. These components together with various chemical elements are responsible for supporting plant growth. Various minerals such as Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) are also present in the soil. Appropriate and balanced composition of these minerals defines soil fertility. Too high concentration of nitrogen retards the growth, while high concentration of phosphorus is responsible for reduced water absorption. High bulk of phosphate is responsible for binding with zinc and also hinder sulfur availability. High load of potassium curtails the availability of boron which is required for conversion of nitrogen and also for the transfer of starch from leaves to storage tissues such as fruits. Excessive potassium brings blockage of manganese uptake (Web: "Soil Fertility For Specific Crops"). Similarly poor concentratio n of NPK retards plant growth. The components of soil are responsible for its texture, various tests are being carried out to understand the nature of the soil. One such test is ribbon test where moist soil is rolled into long thin shape followed by squeezing it between forefinger and thumb in order to form longest and thinnest ribbon. Larger percentage of clay is responsible for longer ribbon while greater silt content tends to flake and does not form ribbon (Web: "Soil Texture

Friday, October 18, 2019

Southwest Air lines Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Southwest Air lines - Term Paper Example But unfortunately issue arises when management fails to achieve the best for their company. The perception to design an infrastructure usually depends upon the project managers who are responsible to implement that. The adverse circumstances arise when the company already lacks in building a strong network. Airline business just not only depends upon issuing tickets and running aero planes, it also depends upon the background affairs and other businesses in the company. It includes marketing, information technology, corporate affairs, logistics and flight services etc. The management has to look over all the areas and their task is to bring all on one page. Southwest Airlines is a company that has highlighted its passions for three factors, â€Å"performance, people and planet†. To accomplish the objective of the company, what needed is to make strategies which provide a roadmap to the company to follow a specific plan that results in setting performance goals, deliver valuable service to customers and to be successful in the market. However making strategies is not all, following the plan is more important. The airline has prospered in every domain but the most important area that overlooked and ignored is Human Resource Management. The ultimate goal of any company is to earn revenue from their business processes. These processes need alignment of company objectives with human resource to run them smoothly (R. Michael), but when company disregards human resource aspect while planning strategies for the company, they will ultimately suffer a business loss. Company’s objective is to add value to business. For doing this, they need to align Information technology with business strategies, improve processes and most importantly take care of critical asset i.e. Human Resource (OPM). This is covered when management does not only focus on business processes but also need to centre employee’s

The California Sutter Health Approach Research Paper - 2

The California Sutter Health Approach - Research Paper Example According to the paper the United States of America healthcare system network has huge revenue collection within its patients. However, the payment system has laid down proper measures, targeting revenue collection procedures to curb problems that have affected the accounts department on the traditional ways they have been using. The main objective of this research is to identify accounting approach and practices California Sutter used in defining and solving its collection problems and giving concrete solution on the based prevailing issue. This study outlines that in the year 2006, the Sutter Health service provider committed itself in giving their staff patient financial services with an aim of improving their patient collections. It was at this point that the staff began to work towards the registration process with an aim of transferring all function within financial approach. The payment system has laid down proper measures, targeting revenue collection procedures to curb problems that have affected the accounts department on the traditional ways they have been using. This research however, it is going to analyze the reasons, meetings that were held, discussion laid down, steps and results that Sutter health engaged to provide quality services within the states of America. Sutter Health service provider is a non-profit organization found in Sacramento States, CA based on the hospital system and healthcare practices. In the line of duty, the firm faced a major problem since within the Sutter family that comprises 48 , 000 physicians, employees and volunteers, they were overwhelmed on providing services of more than 100 northern California cities and towns.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Health care joint ventures and competition law Essay

Health care joint ventures and competition law - Essay Example One of the major problems in applying antitrust analysis to joint ventures in the health care industry, as in other industries, is the inherent problem of properly defining a joint venture. The classic and most-often cited definition states that a joint venture is an enterprise in which two or more separate firms or entities integrate their operations such that the following conditions are met: (1) the enterprise is under the joint control of parent entities, which are not under related control; (2) each parent makes a substantial contribution to the joint enterprise; (3) the joint enterprise exists as a business entity separate from the parent entities; and (4) the enterprise creates or is intended to create a new capability in terms of providing new productive capacity, new technology, a new product, or entry into a new market. The term â€Å"joint venture† can be applied to a wide range of collaborative activity. The Department of Justice, in its Guidelines for Internationa l Operations, has defined a joint venture as â€Å"essentially any collaborative effort among firms, short of a merger, with respect to R&D, production, distribution and/or the marketing of products or services.† In the health care industry, agreements between hospitals and physicians to provide certain hospital-based services, such as anesthesiology, radiology, and pathology could be viewed as joint ventures.

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11

Review - Article Example riment among a small group of autistic children in different settings to analyze the results of multi-exemplar training to establish a repertoire of sharing behaviour. Evaluating the research design using the Scientific Merit Rating Scale (SMRS) the writer would assign a rating of four to this design. This rating is based on the study using a single-subject design with four subjects in total. The researchers compared control and treatment data by using a concurrent multi-probe design and baseline treatment. The research design helped in maintaining uniformity and accuracy of the response of the subjects. Each baseline and treatment trials consisted of eighteen sessions each out of which 9 sessions were teaching sessions. The verbal offers for sharing were randomly assigned to each of the participants and the offers were rotated in each session. The order of trials was also randomized the only exception being the training trials which was conducted both before as well as after a session. There was no mention of data loss of any kind in the article. Direct observation was adopted in the experiment to measure response which was done by trained observers using pencils and paper data sheets. The scoring of two observers was compared. Interobserver data was collected for all the subjects and the mean percentage was 99% across all the trials and all the subjects. Using the SMRS the researchers would rate the quality of dependent measure a five. Each verbal instruction tasks and observation were specified. The mean percentage accuracy on procedural components was 99%. Subject wise individual integrity scoring was also done. A rating of four would be given according to SMRS since the overall accuracy was above 80 and implementation accuracy as studies in at least 25% of the sessions for each participant. The four children who participated in the study were diagnosed with autism. The diagnosing was done by independent agencies. The 4 participants studied in a school

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Health care joint ventures and competition law Essay

Health care joint ventures and competition law - Essay Example One of the major problems in applying antitrust analysis to joint ventures in the health care industry, as in other industries, is the inherent problem of properly defining a joint venture. The classic and most-often cited definition states that a joint venture is an enterprise in which two or more separate firms or entities integrate their operations such that the following conditions are met: (1) the enterprise is under the joint control of parent entities, which are not under related control; (2) each parent makes a substantial contribution to the joint enterprise; (3) the joint enterprise exists as a business entity separate from the parent entities; and (4) the enterprise creates or is intended to create a new capability in terms of providing new productive capacity, new technology, a new product, or entry into a new market. The term â€Å"joint venture† can be applied to a wide range of collaborative activity. The Department of Justice, in its Guidelines for Internationa l Operations, has defined a joint venture as â€Å"essentially any collaborative effort among firms, short of a merger, with respect to R&D, production, distribution and/or the marketing of products or services.† In the health care industry, agreements between hospitals and physicians to provide certain hospital-based services, such as anesthesiology, radiology, and pathology could be viewed as joint ventures.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Effectiveness of Computer Applications in Second Language Research Paper

The Effectiveness of Computer Applications in Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition - Research Paper Example The following is a list of some of the factors that determine the number and choice of words a learner is expected to know when learning second language. According to your own understanding, which factor(s) are the most important? The following is a list of various approaches to second language vocabulary acquisition. According to your own evaluation, please indicate your ranking of their effectiveness by assigning them ranks from 1 to 4, where â€Å"1† is the most effective and â€Å"4† is the least effective Accelerated Reader is an example of computer application in second language vocabulary acquisition, in which many of the popular books and cloze tests are stored and used to check the children’s cognitive ability. Do you think this is a bright idea? If yes, check its relevance (Tick where appropriate) Computer technology also offers teachers the opportunity to present still pictures and motion videos to enable learners to make associations with new vocabulary. Please classify this technology according to the importance you attach to

Monday, October 14, 2019

Factors Affecting Academic Interest Essay Example for Free

Factors Affecting Academic Interest Essay A NOAA (AOML) in situ pCO2 sensor (SAMI-CO2), attached to a Coral Reef Early Warning System station in Discovery Bay, Jamaica, utilized in conducting ocean acidification studies near coral reef areas Australia Main article: Environmental threats to the Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the worlds largest coral reef system.[46][47][48][49] The reef is located in the Coral Sea. A large part of the reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Particular environmental pressures include runoff, salinity fluctuations, climate change, cyclic crown-of-thorns outbreaks, overfishing, and spills or improper ballast discharge. Southeast Asia See also: Southeast Asia coral reefs Southeast Asian coral reefs are at risk from damaging fishing practices (such as cyanide and blast fishing), overfishing, sedimentation, pollution and bleaching. Activities including education, regulation and the establishment of marine protected areas help protect these reefs. Indonesia Indonesia is home to one third of the worlds corals covering nearly 85,000 square kilometres (33,000 sq mi) and one quarter of its fish species. Indonesias coral reefs are located in the heart of the Coral Triangle and have fallen victim to destructive fishing, tourism and bleaching. Data from 414 reef monitoring stations in 2000 found that only 6% are in excellent condition, while 24% are in good condition, and approximately 70% are in poor to fair condition.[50] Philippines In 2007, Reef Check, the worlds largest reef conservation organization, stated that only 5% of Philippines 27,000 square kilometres (10,000 sq mi) of coral reef are in excellent condition: Tubbataha Reef, Marine Park in Palawan, Apo Island in Negros Oriental, Apo Reef in Puerto Galera, Mindoro, andVerde Island Passage off Batangas. Philippine coral reefs is Asias second largest.[51] Taiwan Coral reefs in Taiwan are being threatened by human population growth. Many corals are affected by untreated sewage and souvenir-hunting tourists, not knowing that this practice destroys habitat and causes disease. Many corals have turned black from disease off Taiwans southeast coast.[52]- Indonesia Indonesia has 2,915,000 square kilometers of marine area. The reef area is 51,020 square kilometers. Of that amount, 82% of it is at risk. Indonesia holds 17% of the worlds total coral reef areas. Blast fishing, which has been illegal since 1985 still goes on today, along with cyanide fishing (1995). Another factor that is hurting the coral reefs in Indonesia is the amount of coral that they export. They are the worlds largest exporter of corals, exporting about 500 tons of coral per year.[16] COREMAP is helping Indonesia with their destruction of corals by working in 9 of the 32 provinces. They want to: 1. Heighten law enforcement to protect coral reefs; 2. Establish coral reef monitoring and information systems, in order to conduct research on the status of coral reefs and more effectively disseminate that information to stakeholder groups; 3. Develop community-based management systems and increase public participation in coral reef resource management; 4. Increase institutional capacity and strengthen inter-institutional coordination in planning and implementing policy that affects coral reef management, and; 5. Enhance public knowledge of the importance of coral reef and motivate people to actively participate in the management and sustainable use of coral reefs. Philippines The Philippines, with more than 7,000 islands and warm ocean waters, surround about 26,000 square kilometers of coral reef. [3] These coral reefs have recently brought the attention of beneficial economic uses to the Philippines government.[4] Benefits of Coral Reefs in Philippines 1. Coral reefs break the waves from the chance of eroding the coastline of the islands; [5] 2. Protection of Communities: â€Å"the reefs act as buffer zones† meaning they decrease the power of typhoons and hurricanes as they approach the Philippine Islands; [6] 3. Economic Benefits: Fishing off the coral reefs, profits from tourism, for example, Diving tours and snorkeling areas on the shallow reefs. These economic benefits create many new jobs and profitable opportunities to the country. State For the past 50 years, the proportion of degraded reefs in Indonesia increased from 10 to 50%. From 1989 to 2000 reefs with over 50% live coral cover declined from 36 to 29%. Western Indonesia, which is more developed and holds the majority of the nations population, faces the greatest threats to its coral reefs. Surveys concluded that reef condition improves from west to east. The percentage of reefs in good or excellent condition (live coral cover of 50% or more) is 23% in western Indonesia versus 45% in eastern Indonesia. 65% of surveys taken from the Maluku islands had evidence of bomb damage. In addition, reefs affected by land-based pollution (i.e. sediment discharge into reefs by deforestation, industry, sewage, and fertilizer) show 30-50% less diversity at depths of three meters and 40-60% less diversity at 10 meters in comparison to pristine reefs. The 1997-1998 el Nino event triggered widespread bleaching in Indonesia, with western and west-central Indonesia most affected. Bleaching was recorded in East Sumatra, Java, Bali, and Lombok. In the Seribu Islands northwest of Jakarta, 90-95% of coral reef from the reef flat down to 25 meters died. Two years later, the Seribu Islands significantly recovered, with live coral cover of 20-30% (2000). Coral reefs in Indonesia are located near Java (Batavia), Nusa Dua, Jakarta and Saribu. [8] 30% of the Philippines coral reefs are dead while 39% are dying. The news isnt all bad: Establishment of the Sumilon Island marine reserve has resulted in a marked comeback of fish in adjacent areas. Along with the establishment of the Sumilon Island marine reserve, there is hope for the Philippines via boosts in ecotourism. In recent years, local Filipino governments have discovered that fishing is not the only economic benefit the reefs can provide. They are confident that with a spread of ecotourism, even local fishermen will reap the financial benefits of this economic sector. A surge in coral reef conservation education is helping the tourism sector provide information to tourists on how to preserve the coral reefs while they enjoy the beauty and serenity of the reefs.[17]The Philippines ecotourism sector is unfortunately stifled at this time due to a limited budget and there are approximately 7,000 islands to patrol for destructive fishing techniques.[8] [9]. Destructive fishing techniques are thought to be the largest contributor to reef degradation in the Philippines. The first ever mass-bleaching event in the Philippines was reported in 1998-99. It began at Batangas, off Luzon, in June 1998 and then proceeded nearly clockwise around the Philippines, correlating with anomalous sea-surface temperatures. Most reefs of northern Luzon, west Palawan, the Visayas, and parts of Mindanao were affected. Subsequent mortalities were highly variable, with decreases in live coral cover ranging from 0.7 to 46 percent and up to 80 percent in Bolinao. Recent surveys in 1997 found a low percentage of reefs to be in excellent condition. They found only 4 percent of Philippine reefs in excellent condition (i.e., over 75 percent hard or soft coral cover), 28 percent in good condition (50-75 percent coral cover), 42 percent in fair condition (25-50 percent coral cover), and 27 percent in poor condition (less than 25 percent coral cover). The Visayas have experienced the most significant decline in coral cover, exhibiting an average of only 11 percent hard coral cover. [10] A study in the early 90s revealed that coral reefs are damaged by a variety of human activities such as household sewage, industrial waste, and agricultural chemicals from land that are washed to the sea. [11] This was a new finding for the time period in which it was widely believed that the main damage to coral reefs was causes by oil spills or from pollution dumped by ships. This survey was concentrated on SE Asia mainly because it was believed that coral reefs in this region were at great threat of extinction if continued to be unmanaged. In the last thirty years climate change has had the most harmful effect on corals. (Hughes) Currently one of the major issues the Indonesian government is dealing with is climate change. (CIA Worldfactbook) When the ocean warms such as in El Nino, coral bleaching occurs, which kills the coral. (Hughes) The reefs are incredibly important to the economy and people of Southeast Asia. The reefs bring in $1.6 billion a year through fishing, employment, and the tourist industry. (Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia Key Findings 2002) Today, the coral reefs located in the Philippines and Indonesia are in great danger. Fishermen are constantly practising dangerous methods such as blast fishing and dynamite fishing. These practices prove to be detrimental to the coral reefs as well as the marine life in the surrounding areas. Because of the dangerous methods, fish that are usually near the coral reefs are no longer there any more. Two of these fish are Groupers and snappers. According to David Nockels it was only seven years ago that 30% of the reefs were dead in this region and many more were dying Marine protected areas Amongst the many proposed solutions to the problems plaguing coral reefs in Southeast Asia is the creation of marine protected areas (MPAs). Currently marine protected areas make up around 8% of the area of Southeast Asian coral reefs.[26] The World Commission on Protected Areas [12], amongst other groups, has been active in establishing MPAs in Southeast Asia. However, the success rate of MPAs in Southeast Asia is low, with an estimated 14% of MPAs rated effectively managed.[30] [13] This rate reflects the difficulty of implementing MPAs. Moreover, it shows that much work is still needed to make MPAs successful in Southeast Asia. IUCN has defined an MPA as â€Å"any area of intertidal or subtidal terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment†.[31] In other words, an MPA is a marine area in which the water column and all the life that exists in it are protected through laws. These laws restrict certain practices within the MPA, which can differ per MPA. Marine protected areas, in sum, provide a marine sanctuary which can foster an increase in marine biodiversity.[32] (See also: [14]). This increased biodiversity is though to be able to carry over to the non-protected surrounding areas in which fishing can take place. This is important for a number of reasons. In the Southeast Asian context, especially amongst the islands of the Philippines and Indonesia, the sea and people are very much interconnected. As mentioned, the sea provides both a source of income and source of food for the people. In the Philippines, for example, 67% of protein food consumption comes from fish and fish products. Additionally, roughly one million people in the Philippines are employed in the fishing industry.[33] Increased fish stocks resulting from marine protected areas only add to the solutions needed to revitalize Southeast Asian economies, life systems, and coral reefs. In addition, the LMMA (Locally-Managed Marine Area) Network is another organization that takes part in the Southeast Asia marine conservation. Similar to the MPA, the LMMA also provides protection areas in the sea. However, according to the definition above, an LMMA is an example of an MPA because an MPA includes a large space within and close by the area. The LMMA involves members from around the world, and the communities within the managed areas. The goal of LMMA is to allow members and local communities to learn the uses of protected resources.[15] Due to the massive destruction of coral reefs in Southeast Asia, the LMMA has established two areas in Eastern Indonesia: Padaido Islands, Biak, West Papua, and Southern Ambon Island and the Moluccas Islands; and various areas in the Philippines. With the help of the LMMAs, the local communities would learn to preserve their marine goods, and be able to maintain for longer years. Gradually, the communities will accommodate bigger and healthier fish. [16] There are an estimated 400 MPAs in the Philippines. Of the 400 only 16% have yielded an increase in bio-diversity. The high failure rate is due to poor management and a lack of regulation.[34]Despite the numerous failures there have been successes. One of the best known areas is Apo island where a small community has effectively managed an MPA since the mid 1980s. The Apo MPA includes a ban on detrimental fishing practices and a no-take zone covering 10% of their reef. Apos reef has thrived giving hope to Philippine reefs.[35] Contributions for management The state of the coral reefs in the Philippines and Indonesia are depleting with every blink of an eye. It is to no one’s surprise that the Philippines have lost more than 80% since the 1920s. In Indonesia it is a little better due to the some drastic actions made by the government. On December 6, 2002 the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a US$33 million loan in order to save what is the rest of these important organisms. Over fishing, illegal fishing methods, and overpopulation have all contributed to the decline of the coral reefs both in the Philippines and Indonesia. Along with the loan the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (Phase II), the second part of a three phase plan has given us all hope in restoring coral reefs in this part of the region. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries will oversee the whole entire project with a due date of June 30, 2009. If it all goes according to plan the fishing industry will be the benefited the most. However, government action is not always necessary to manage reefs. When the community dependent on the resources provided by coral works together to save and restore the fish population, the results can be very good. The community managed reefs of Apo Island, located in the southern Philippines, known worldwide for its success. The waters around Apo Island are home to about 650 species of fish and 400 species of corals. The waters of Apo Island were not always this full of life. Fishing is the major occupation on the island, and even those who do not fish, rely on the catch for their protein. So when a fishermans catch began shortening, after years of unregulated fishing, it was very easy for them to resort to destructive methods of fishing,such as blast fishing and cyanide fishing, to get by. These methods almost led to the end of the already dwindling fish stocks. The community began, through education and widespread involvement, the process of making these practices socially unacceptable.[36] People began patrolling the waters in a small area with the intention of allowing fish to flourish and repopulate and then spill over into areas that had been fished out. This informal establishment of a sanctuary was first met with a lot of resistance, eventually though, after seeing the obvious improvements, the island community and local council were able to formalize the sanctuary in 1985, three years after it started. This formalization extended the sanctuary to water surrounding the island up to 500 meters from the shore and declaring a portion a no-take fish sanctuary.[37] To manage the coral reefs effectively to preserve what is left of the beautiful natural resource, individual people must unite. If the marine ornamentals trade is to successfully turn around and begin to sustain more live fish, certain people must perform their jobs to the fullest. Firstly, there if lobbyists are responsible about the issue, they will provide healthy animals, maintain healthy reefs, sustain reef animal populations, and adequately compensate fishing communities for their efforts. Also, responsible industry operators must minimize animal mortality and habitat impacts and focus on animal health and quality collection practices. The problem with this method, though, is that merely trust and word of mouth arent enough. If we are to legitimately depleting the coral reefs in Southeast Asia, we must set international standards.